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Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Filtering Survey Data

5 - Atom

Has anyone had any success using Alteryx to filter Qualtrics survey data dumps? I've been running into obstacles creating a workflow that gives me a summary of my responses. 

14 - Magnetar

Hi @R_Reeves,


I do know Alteryx is commonly used to process/prepare survey data dumps, but from my experience with working with survey data, it's almost impossible to have a 'one size fits all' workflow for any type of survey data. To answer your question, I know users have successfully used Alteryx on Qualtrics survey data.


In order for this community to better assist you, detail what obstacles you're running into. If you can provide a data file (with dummy data if needed), this helps taking away some of the guess work with what you're working with and sandbox some possible solutions.


On a side note, you posted this in the Alteryx Connect board. Since your question is in regards to Designer, you'll have more users see your question of you post it in the Designer board.


Hope this helps!

Teknion Data Solutions

5 - Atom

Thanks for the quick response and redirect Jimmy! I've attached some "dummy" data to further illustrate what I'm trying to accomplish. My goal is to use Alteryx to summarize this type of data and provide percentages of responses. That is easy enough to accomplish when you only have two responses (simply count null vs. notnull). I keep getting stuck with the more complex questions. For example col. H, has 6 possible responses. Ideally I'd like to quickly glance at the report and say 20% selected about once a week, 10% selected about once a day, etc etc. I cannot figure out how to make this workflow complete this task.

14 - Magnetar



Thank you for the explanation and sample. Download and unpack/open the attached.


There's probably a ton of different ways to transform this, but this solution is something that should allow you to continue developing on.



I use Dynamic select tools to split the fields based on which have the string "Select all that apply" and those that don't. The top section are those that don't. What this process is doing is transforming these to show up similar to the select all questions, where each response option is in it's own column. The sub-process (highlighted in the screencap) is used to correct the headers after the cross tab tool, which replaces none letter/number chars to _.


The two streams are joined back up and the multi-field tool is just used to convert empty fields to NULLs on all text field types.


Hope this helps!

Teknion Data Solutions

5 - Atom



Thanks for your guidance! I've built something similar, but your workflow is making me wonder if I've perhaps over complicated the process. I appreciate your help and will try building on to what you've laid out vs. reworking mine. 




5 - Atom

Hi @jrgo,


I am trying to find a way to create unique lists from survey data that gives me a list of people's availability. I plan to use the lists to create dropdowns in a scheduling workbook. Attached is some dummy data, and below is what I want the output to look like. This is just a subset, I have hundreds of people and about 80 sessions in the full set, so hoping there is way to do this so as not to have to create the lists manually. 



14 - Magnetar



Sorry for the delayed response... didn't see this till i logged in today. If you're still looking for a solution, see if the attached helps. Here's a screenshot of the solution results.


Teknion Data Solutions

5 - Atom

@jrgo that's perfect, thank you!
