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Filter with zero rows is not excecuting subsequent steps

7 - Meteor

Hello !


I'm not sure if i am doing something incorrectly but when my filter tool results in zero rows, it is not executing the subsequent steps.



How can i get this to run ?? 


Thank you !!


9 - Comet

Hi  Vineet003


It seems no rows are matching the filter criteria, which is why subsequent steps aren't executing. I have attached the Excel ss with filtered rows, let me know if I mistakenly understand your question.

why not working.png


Kamal Sharma

7 - Meteor

Hello @kamal03 ,


That is correct but i would still like to run the last formula i.e. IF [Count]= 0 THEN "There are no overdue response(s)" ELSE "Overdue response(s)" ENDIF


I am using this workflow to create various pieces for adding in the body of an email. How can i accomplish this ? I was thinking that even though the filter return 0 rows it would execute the subsequent steps


Thank you for helping !!



20 - Arcturus
20 - Arcturus

I think you are saying that the Summarize Tool will not count Zero record.

If you think this should be improved, you should raise an idea here.  😂

2024-01-19 133914.png

8 - Asteroid

Hi @Vineet003  

The workflow does execute, but there are zero records that meet the following criteria - i.e no reports are overdue yet.


If you are running this in the gallery and would like a report no matter if reports are overdue or not, suggest outputting via a reporting tool 


That said I suggest you review the filter formula - the below may help for easier debugging


[Due Date 2] < DateTimeToday() AND
DateTimeYear([Due Date 2]) NOT IN (2020,2021,2022)
AND IsNull([Submitted Date 2])


I am uploading my proposed workflow below . Hope it helps

14 - Magnetar

Hi, @Vineet003 


As an alternative approach, FYI.




7 - Meteor

You Sir @flying008  are amazing. Thanks a lot :D 🙌
