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Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Filter with multiple conditions

5 - Atom

Hello, I am just starting with Alteryx and I am stuck on creating a filter with multiple conditions. I am trying to filter out accounts that I do not need to analyze. I have manually done this and expect around 250 results to come through, however when I use the filter tool only 3 records are coming through as being "true". If anyone could help me figure out where I have messed up I would appreciate it.( I have used a record counter tool so I am confident all the records are making it to the filter. Just not getting the results I expect.)


Only the 3rd account in this list is making it to the true node. 


thank you to anyone that has a minute to help!

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

I suggest checking to make sure the other values are in the account list exactly. There may be a slight difference, and that is why they are falling out of the F output.


Another way to streamline your filter is with an IN statement. For example:

[Account] in ('1234','5678','9102')


Additionally, you could have a list of all of the accounts, and then do a join on the account number. Anything that matched would come out of the J output.


If you're able to upload a copy of your data, I can try to troubleshoot as well.

21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris

Aside from the good suggestion from @echuong1 , maybe we can also consider use the Find and Replace tools
