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Filter by Column Header that Contains

11 - Bolide

Hi All,


I would like to  apply a filter column header in 2 senses.


1. if the data has column header F7 that contains "PFBNKG", I would like to filter it to true

2. If the data has header F7 but does not contains "PFBNKG", then this will fall on the false side.


See below for instance data set


say instance.PNG

If the data F7 contains the PFBNKG, it should proceed to the true part and continue processing the results. The False part will stop processing. First row will the header name.

If the data F7 does not contain the PFBNKG, it should proceed to the false part and will remove column F7 since it is no longer needed. The True part will stop processing and the False part will proceed processing. The first row will take the header name.


Thanks and hoping to hear from anyone.


11 - Bolide

Thanks @Gaurav_Dhama_ 


I think you got what I need.


Thank you so much.


