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Filter a column records that contains a list of strings

7 - Meteor

I have  a large data set and im trying to filter out all the records in a column that contain a string in a list of strings. I tried using a filter; [field1] in ("cat", "hat", "bat", "nap"). This works but doesnt actually capture all the records that contains these strings. What am i doing wrong?


For instance, "dog and the cat", is not coming out in the true portion.



Fyi this data is fictitious for privacy reasons.

17 - Castor

Hi @fitch1892 


The IN function looks for exact matches. You would need to use the Contains() function which unfortunately only allows one value to be passed, so you'd need something like: 

Contains([Field1],'cat') OR Contains([Field1],'hat') OR ......


You could also consider using a find and replace tool to append the matching keyword and filter on that. If you share some sample data it'd be helpful.

13 - Pulsar

Hi @fitch1892 ,


Do you want something like this ? ( Contains is insensitive case function by default so "Cat" = "cat" )




7 - Meteor

That works. I went ahead and just used the contains function which worked perfectly.
