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Fetch the latest created file from SharePoint document library with sharepoint input tool?

7 - Meteor



I want to be able to fetch the latest created excel file in a document library in SharePoint using the SharePoint input tool. I will be able to run the workflow on a continuous basis from the server and not from my local machine, so I can't sync the site and use the directory tool etc. So I need to import the "created" date of the files and then be able to read in the data from the latest created file for further processing in the flow. Any suggestions on how I can accomplish this with the SharePoint input tool? 


Really appreciate some input since I am really stuck on this step in my workflow.


Thanks in advance!

14 - Magnetar
17 - Castor
17 - Castor

@aatalai / @PH_80 this tool is reading lists from SharePoint, not a list of files. In addition, this tool is deprecated so it is no longer officially supported. I would not use this tool.


@PH_80 under the "Configure File" section of the tool, you can "Attach Metadata" and there is a "Created" column you can pull in. After that you can use Alteryx to find the latest create file. The only thing is you might need to then package the SharePoint Input tool into a macro afterwards to go in and update the path and read in the file since the SharePoint Input tool doesn't have an input anchor.


Good luck!

7 - Meteor

do you have an example of this either screen shot or workflow? 

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

@Faye_Karas do you not see the option when you connect to SharePoint via the tool?
