Hi Community,
I am getting an error whenever I try inputting data from an ESRI gdb with a EPSG: 102003 projection. The error says "Importing following well known name or text failed: EPSG:102003". This is the projection type our GIS team uses for most of our spatial features, but because the error is in the "Input Data" tool, I can't convert the projection in Alteryx but have to download each gdb, convert each FeatureClass projection in ArcPro, and reconnect to my new gdb. My teammates, however, are not getting this error and Alteryx inputs the table and converts the projection upon running the workflow. Any thoughts or ideas on why I'm getting this error? I'm wondering if I need to change something in my settings or have a bug.
I'm also using Alteryx version 2023.2.1.194.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.