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Extract sheet name and data from an excel.

11 - Bolide

I've an excel with two sheets. let's say  sheetA & sheetB. SheetA and SheetB has some data. Both the sheet data has some connection.


I want to check whether SheetB is present or not. If it's not present, Create it with the data available in SheetA. means, for example, SheetA has 2 colums Firstname & Lastname. So the data in SheetB would be concatenated data of SheetA. that is. Firstname + Lastname.


So if SheetB is not present, take Firstname & Lastname from SheetA, and create SheetB with Firstname + Lastname 


Any help?




What i tried is....



But the challenge I'm facing right now is, even if the SheetB is present, it'll create.

How can I block that? that is, if count !=0, the workflow should not execute further.



13 - Pulsar

Hey @KrishnaChithrathil ,


Glad to know that😀 ! You can mark the answer as a solution if it helped you in your quest.


This warning is because the tab exists, no rows will come out in the "True" anchor of the Count=0 filter.


So in the summarize tool that follows, there are no rows.


This means that there is no line that fits in the "S" ( Source ) entry of the Append Fields => Warning tool.


So the way to remove the warning is to provide a sheet name that does not exist in the formula tool of yellow container so that it does what it was originally created for (Create a new sheet based on the sheet already present initially).


PS : Do not hesitate to review the entire workflow step by step to understand each step. You can ask a question about some configuration if you need.


Cheers !

11 - Bolide


yes. It took some time to study your workflow, as I'm a beginner. 😄

I understood why it's showing the warning. You're saying to provide a sheet name which is not present in the container in the excel, right?

Not sure whether I can do it in the customer requirement.




13 - Pulsar

Hi @KrishnaChithrathil ,


Yes you are there, it's right.


What would have been the best case scenario for your client's requirement ?


I can embed these tools in a macro where you will only have the interface to update the file and the name of the sheet you want to create and everything will be done without the warning showing up in the results window .


What do you think ?


Cheers !


11 - Bolide


yeah. That could be possible. Anyways you did exactly what I asked for. I appreciate that. 

@gabrielvilella You also conveyed the same concept I guess.


Thanks both of you. 😃



