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Extract Text from string

8 - Asteroid

Hi All,


I have a data string from where I need to extract a specific string as shown below, the string I have does not follow a consistent pattern, however I got the result in excel using this formula "MID(A3,FIND("_",A3,20)+1,8)" as shown below. Any help how can I get the same result using Alteryx, I tried many options through RegEX or text to column etc but no luck since the string does not follow a single pattern.


17 - Castor
17 - Castor



The same formula in Alterys is as follows:




"Substring" replaces "MID", but since we can't specify the start position of "findstring", I trimmed off the first 20 characters and added 20 to the position adjustment. I'm also not the best at RegEx, but here's a potential solution in that form:




(any 20 characters)(underscore)(a string of alphanumeric characters that's 8 characters long)

8 - Asteroid

Formula works....thanks a lot
