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Extract N words in a string before and after a certain word

5 - Atom


I have a long text containing several instances of the word "credible". For example: sentence 1. sentence2 that contains the word credible. sentence 3. sentence4 that contains the word credible. sentence5 that contains the word credible. sentence6. sentence7. etc,,,,


I want to be able to output a new column that contains 30 words or 100 characters before the word "credible"+ the word credible+ 30 words or 100 characters after the word "credible". In the example above, I will have 3 columns. 


I tried RegEx with the expression credible\s+\w+ but getting only the word credible+ 1 word after. The setting is that the output tokenize 20 columns. I am new to RegEx. 


Appreciate your help.

16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

To get part of the way there, you might try replacing credible with "|credible|",

replace([my_field], 'Credible', '|credible|')

And then use a text to columns.


Feel free to send an example of the input and output you expect if you're having difficulties thereafter.

5 - Atom

Thank you. Partially worked with replace. I ended up using (?:\S+\s+){0,30}\bcredible\b(?:\s+\S+){0,30} and that worked much better. Thank you all.

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