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Exporting one specific worksheet from a workbook to a new workbook?

5 - Atom

I have a workbook with 5 worksheets (all have different schema) and i want to pick only one  specific worksheet out of 5 and export it to a new workbook with all formatting. How can we do this in Alteryx. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

You can input the file and select List of Sheet Names + ensure your full file path is turned on, then from there, you'll need to filter the sheet of your choice and import with either the Dynamic Input or a Batch Macro (read here:


From there, you can export that specific sheet to the file of your choice and choose the output option to create a new sheet. 


To preserve the formatting from one file to another however... I think you may need to use Blob In/Out, not too familiar as I've not tried to do this before. Will be interesting to see the solutions for this for sure.

Calvin Tang
Alteryx ACE
5 - Atom

Thanks for the reply. By using Dynamic input tool i am able to import the data of specific worksheet.

Although when i tried to export the file using Blob IN/Out tool it replicates the whole workbook (all worksheets) not the required worksheet only.
