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Execute Analytic App with Batch Script

7 - Meteor

I am trying to execute XML for an Analytic App with Batch Script. My XML is similar to the XML attached. 


I am receiving the following error. 


Error - Alteryx Engine: ParseError: An exception occurred! Type:UTFDataFormatException, Message:invalid byte 2 (t) of a 4-byte sequence. at line 1 and column 1


I have executed several Analytic App XMLs in a similar format with a - in the folder name before. This is my first App with a - in the App name. 


Any suggestions on how to resolve this?

12 - Quasar
12 - Quasar

@busybee ,


I haven't seen this error message before, but I am noticing you have some spaces in your file name. Sometimes when we pass the spaces especially when it is a scripted based trigger it is easier to remove them or update the script to accommodate them (%20 is one example). Also have you tested removing the -, as it may be a reserved character? It can be substituted for an _ .

7 - Meteor

My Batch Script started executing without errors after a day. 
