I am reading a specific worksheet in an Excel file and I apply some formulas to remove some newline feeds and I am overwriting the entire sheet with the updated content. Both my input and output files are the same. I have a few columns in my input file that have formulas defined. After the workflow executes successfully (no warnings/errors either), I am having issues opening the file. I get a message: We found a problem with some content in <filename>. Do you want us to try to recover as much as we can? If you trust the source of this workbook, click Yes.
Looking into the error log, I see the following message.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<recoveryLog xmlns="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/spreadsheetml/2006/main"><logFileName>error185720_01.xml</logFileN... were detected in file 'C:\a.xslx</summary><removedRecords summary="Following is a list of removed records:"><removedRecord>Removed Records: Formula from /xl/calcChain.xml part (Calculation properties)</removedRecord></removedRecords></recoveryLog>
It appears that the formulas may be causing this issue. Has anybody been able to successfully overwrite the worksheet containing formulas and/or overwritten sheets in a .xlsx file with ranges specified? Any tips on resolving the issue?
Do you see the same result if you were to have Alteryx create a whole new workbook vs. overwrite an existing sheet?
If you still see errors on a new file all together, this may mean that some of your values may have characters Excel doesnt like.
If you're able to share something that we can test that will produce the error, please do as it'll help take some of the guesswork out with troubleshooting further.
I am able to create a whole new workbook. I am unable to share the files but I will try to see if I can create a sample file and post it here.
Thanks for your help.
I'm having the same issue. Did you ever find a resolution to this?
I was having the "Removed Records: Formula from /xl/calcChain.xml part" error message when opening up my Excel spreadsheet (.xlsx). This was what was causing the issue for me, and how I resolved it:
After having Alteryx output onto my .xlsx file by using the "Overwrite Sheet (Drop)" option, I was then going in to the .xlsx file and adding some columns manually in the spreadsheet (my output only had 6 columns, but I was then manually populating the 27-32 columns and then hiding them).
Then, if I tried running Alteryx again, I believe the issue occurred because Alteryx didn't know how to drop the newly run output onto the sheet where I'd added the additional columns. So, my workaround was to add the additional fields in Alteryx instead, so the number of output columns doesn't change when I make my manual updates in the Excel spreadsheet.
I haven't had the "Removed Records: Formula from /xl/calcChain.xml part" error message since I made this change. Again, this is just what worked for me... Good luck!
I ran into similar issue. Turned out the excel formula was somehow impacted. So, this could be due to formula in the cell itself. You might want to double check formula being used in cell before it overrides excel cell(s).