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Equivalent of an excel "if & match"


Hello All - New user, not sure the best way to do the below, have tried join, merge but not getting very far...


I have 2 CSV files.  The first file has all my data.  The second file has 1 tab with a list in column A.

What would be the best way for me to import the 2 files and then do the equivalent  of an excel "if & match" function.

i.e. if a cell in column A from file 1 matches any cell from the list in file 2 column A (tab 1) then return a specific name (Say "Identified") in file 1 (say column D)

Hopefully hat makes sense




20 - Arcturus
20 - Arcturus
You can use a find and replace tool. The reference data would be input to the bottom anchor. Append the lookup value. If that value is null after the lookup, it isn't present. Otherwise it was a match.
Alteryx ACE & Top Community Contributor

Chaos reigns within. Repent, reflect and restart. Order shall return.
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That is works really well.  Within the Find and Replace tool anyway I can get the appended column to display a certain text when it matches? or do I need to do this through the formula tool?


Thanks again.



20 - Arcturus
20 - Arcturus

IIF(IsNull([Appended_Fieldname],"No Match", "Match")


Yes, a formula with an expression like the one above will do the trick.  You'll then want to have a select to de-select the appended column.


Happy Turkey,



Alteryx ACE & Top Community Contributor

Chaos reigns within. Repent, reflect and restart. Order shall return.
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