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Equal distribution of cases

Hi, I have list of cases done by user and I want to allocate the cases in such a way that case done by a user should not be allocate to him and each individual gets almost equal number of cases.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

@praveenchola I don't see any linkage between Sheet 1 and Sheet 2. How do you know the people in Sheet 2 are doing stuff in Sheet 1? 


In addition, when you say almost equal - you have currently 342 records of data in Sheet 1 and you have 10 distinct names from Sheet 2, there will be one person inheriting 2 extra cases, or two people inheriting 1 extra case each. What exactly are you looking for - can you provide a sample via Excel itself?

Calvin Tang
Alteryx ACE

Here is the sample file. Total 78 cases done by 4 user and we have allocated these among 9 users (including 4 users who has actioned these cases). Hope this data will help 
