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Empty Excel in Alteryx due to Protected View




I have an Excel file with 2 sheets, one called "data" where I fill the data from Alteryx,

and the 2nd called "formatted data" where I refer to the first sheet (using formula) to get the data and format it.


The problem is that after exporting the data from Alteryx, I get the Protected View message in Excel when opening the file, and I need to click "Enable Editing" in order to view the data in the "formatted data" sheet.


If I don't click "Enable Editing" (and re-save the file), I will not be able to re-read the data from the "formatted data" sheet in Alteryx. Alteryx will show always return the out-of-date data (not the recent one). i.e., the calculation of the formulas is not activated unless you open and resave the file.

I even tried to disable Protected View settings in Excel, I can see the recent data in Excel, but I still have the same issue in Alteryx.


So, after exporting the data from Alteryx to the "data" sheet.Is there a way to re-read the data from the "formatted data" sheet in Alteryx without opening the file.

I have attached my workflow and the excel file.




Hi @derar-alhussein 


I recreated your error, but I also notice it's a one-time thing.  If you're always just modifying the 2nd sheet of an existing file, I noticed that I needed to go in and enable editing once.  I could then run Alteryx again and again without issue.  Hopefully that reduces the urgency of the situation?


 - John


Thanks for your reply @JohnJPS 


No, it's not a one-time thing. Try to modify the data loaded from Alteryx.

When you re-read it, you will see your previous data, not the recent one.


Anyway, I can't open and save it manually, because it's fully automated process.


Curious if anyone ever found a workaround for this?

I have the same issue with 500+ Excel files being created from a template form with static data and embedded formulas.


The data injected from Alteryx workflow causes the . XLSX to open in Protected mode and requires the "Enable Editing" button to be clicked to reflect the changes and update all the existing sheet formulas. It's not practical to open each one and resave...


 I tried adding "on save" VBA to the template,, various Trust Center settings as well as workbook security set to "None" in a python loop as part of the file creation before injecting data. I see no other options in the output tool to prevent this


Any guidance would be appreciated!

