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Email tool sending multiple emails

7 - Meteor

I have configured my email tool to simply send a .avro file to myself yet it sends multiple emails containing the same attachment when I just want one email. How can I resolve this? The attached images can provide a better understanding of what the configuration is and what I am trying to do.

17 - Castor

Hi @Danial_Nawab 


The email tool will send one email per record going into it. Maybe you need a sample tool or summarize tool to collapse the data?

11 - Bolide

@Danial_Nawab As an alternative to the email tool, you can send an email using "Events". Click on your canvas background to show the Workflow Configuration window. You will see tabs for: Canvas, Workflow, Runtime, Events, Meta Info. Click Events, check the Enable Events Box, click Add--> Send Email, and fill out the dialogue box. Click OK to save. At the top of Dialog box in "Run Event When" you can choose when to get the email, for example all the time would be "After Run" or you can choose to only get an email when it runs without errors. 

7 - Meteor

Hi Luke,


My output contains more than 46,000 records so by that definition, the email tool would send the email more than 46,000 times, am I right?


Can you elaborate more on how we can use a sample or a summarize tool to send only one email containing the attachment.


My guess is that we add another column to the overall output that would contain the email and use the sample tool to select only one record from the email column and pass the output of the summarize tool in the email tool. Think it would work?

7 - Meteor

Thank you Stella for your suggestion. I will give that a go and see if it works.

17 - Castor

@Danial_Nawab You're correct. You would want to have a sample tool that just takes the first 1 row to have one email sent. 

5 - Atom

Thank you Stella for the suggestion, Using the Even option is better way if you have to send the final output email. ( One email with attachments).
