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Email Tool Changes Table Justification

6 - Meteoroid

Hey Everyone, 

I have a report that sends an email with embedded tables. In the table tools I have them setup to center justify the data in the columns, however when the email sends, it changes the tables to left justify.


Here is the before:


Here is the after:



I cannot send the workflow due to sensitivity. However here are the configuration windows.
Table Tool: 


I have multiple layouts building this email with other components so I'll put these in order of sequence after the table tool:
Layout 1: 



Layout 2:



Layout 3



Any Thoughts?

Thanks in Advance!


17 - Castor

@BYoung This is an interesting one, I just tried to reproduce this on one of my workflows and see the same behavior. I put a browse tool right after the layout tool that feeds the email and confirmed it's center justified there, so the email tool must be doing something. I think this might be worth raising to alteryx support. ( Maybe others have thoughts too.

5 - Atom

This has been a problem for me as well. I figured that if I create a column rule to align center, it works but not right. @BYoung were you able to figure this issue out?

5 - Atom

Having the same problem, would love a solution. 
