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Dynamically Add Column

8 - Asteroid
Hi all,

I have a table in whcih i have many column's but i want to make a new column in "Fract" which is sum of all "A_Fract" Column's.
Currently there are 6 Column names starting with "A_Fract" but in future there will be more "A_Fract".
So is there any way to Make a new column "Fract" with all column sum which start with "A_Fract" without giving its full name.

Thanks in Advance
Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
I think this will do what you want

Add a record ID.  Transpose your data.  Filter all fields that start "A_Fract".  Summarise, grouping by RecordID and summing value which creates your new field "Fract".  Then join back to your original data.

You can download my example module here


Adam Riley
8 - Asteroid
Thanks for the help.
8 - Asteroid
Hi Adam Riley,
When i used this Formula
IF left([Name], 7) == "A_Fract" THEN left([Name], 7) == "A_Fract" ELSE left([Name], 11) == "B_Analytics" ENDIF

Then i got both the values of "A_Fract" and "B_Analytics". How can i get only one value.
Like i first find "A_Fract" then if its not found then find "B_Analytics". I didnt get the one value.
