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Dynamical rename column names app

8 - Asteroid



I want to create an app for a user to upload data for multiple buildings. He will choose the file with data and building a name from the dropdown. However, column names are different for each building. I would like to dynamically rename these columns using a mapping file. So if the user has chosen building A, column "ID" will change its name to "Unique ID". And If a user has chosen building B, column "Event Date" will change its name to "Date". Column names has to be this same because I use them in formulas afterward. There are multiple buildings and fields, so I would stay with excel mapping file if it is possible.   

How would you approach this? 

8 - Asteroid

I am attaching the file with mapping 

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

hi @Andrzej ,


you can use the dynamic rename like this


hope this helps!

8 - Asteroid

Hi @bpatel 


This is exactly what I was looking for!! Cheers


Do you know also how I can handle missing columns fo some buildings? I have a column supervisor for most of the buildings, but part for part of buildings it is missing. I would like to have a column supervisor with nulls then 
