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Dynamic rename headers and ordering in sheets - overkill for alteryx ?

7 - Meteor

Hello everyone


I have excel list with 3 sheets, each sheet contain different headers and diff orders of headers

I would to fix to get same name of columns for all sheets and same ordering...I tried to dynamic rename tool

but I am totally lost..

is it possible in alteryx ? because I am not sure if is it now overkill for it

19 - Altair
19 - Altair

Hi @petr__ 


You can do this with a mapping file and some dynamic rename tools.




The column mapping file contains a list of the column names from sheet 2 and 3 and the corresponding column name from sheet 1.  For sheets 2 and 3, use a Field Info tool to get the field names, union these together and then join them with the mapping table.  Use a Dynamic Rename in "Take Field Names From Right Input Rows" mode to rename the fields for sheets 2 and 3 to the same name as in Sheet 1.  The union automatically puts the columns in the same order as the first connected input and then lines up the data from the other inputs to match these.  Write out the data and the column names are consistent and in the same order





7 - Meteor

Hi @danilang 


Sorry for late response 😞 I did it similar way also with dynamic rename, but I in case that excel sheet will contain tens/hundred of sheets it must be added same number of inputs as you did, I will take your solution (the clearer than mine :D) and try to merge it with dynamic input sheets loading


