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Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Dynamic Save of PDF stopped working with Designer 2022.3

5 - Atom


For the past year I have been saving a PDF using the Render tool with a dynamic name based on the month.  When I updated to Designer 2022.3, the PDF only shows one part of the table and does not show the remaining table data (See attached PDF's).  When I use the Output Mode "Choose a Specific Output File" with an Output File, the report works correctly.  When I use the "Group Data Into Separate Reports", the report only shows the first part of the table.  I have pulled out the relevant workflow configuration to show the basic setup and also provide the data set.  Any help would be greatly appreciated


Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi @JaysonBurke 


I believe this could be a defect mentioned in the following article


Would you be able to confirm with Tonya in the other article so we can confirm?


If you think that is the case, please like and mark this post as a solution so users can refer to the other article.

5 - Atom

When I turn on "Engine Compatibility Mode", nothing changes.  The reports still do not work.



Thank you for supplying the workflow and data file. I was able to reproduce it and see that the PDFs were the same on the previous 2022.1 version. We will create a defect and see if we can get it approved to get into a patch on 2022.3. 

Tonya Smith
Sr. Technical Product Manager, cloud App Builder

Would you mind adding the "AMP Engine" label to this post please? 

Tonya Smith
Sr. Technical Product Manager, cloud App Builder

I’m happy to announce that the fix has been released in the 2023.1 GA Release version May 17, 2023 and backported to the 2022.3 Patch 1 Jan 25, 2023


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