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Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Dynamic Output


I am trying to use a List Input to feed source and destination information into a dynamic input tool and an output tool.


The job will effectively be moving data from one system to another (see picture below)



As the data is moving from one database system to another I cannot use the same dynamic input to simply update the destination scheme.table


has anyone any ideas how I can dynamically change the schema.table in an output tool?


For anyone reading this...


The solution was to pass the field as a column within the dynamic input tool then use that column as to change the table in the output tools config.

Is there anyway to use the new column only for the file name, yet not show up in the output table? I'm trying to not add another column to the final output.

Apologies as the 'Keep Field in Output' box accomplishes this ask. Should've known better. Rookie move on my part. 
