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Dynamic Input to pull from ALL tabs in the workbook AND I need a column with the tab name


Hello - 

I have very limited Alteryx skills (I don't create apps or use Macros) but I don't think what I am trying to do is beyond my ability but can't figure it out and need to hurry!

I want to be able to union all of the tabs within an excel worksheet together so I am thinking I need a dynamic input AND I also need is a column inserted to tell me which tab it came from. 

I've got two files (each with multiple tabs and all tabs have the same headers) I need to do this for to make one tall file. 

Any help would be greatly appreciated!!


Here are picture examples of the input files: Example Input 1.JPGExample Input 2.JPG 



Here is an example of what I need:

Example of what I needExample of what I need

21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris

We all start with new with alteryx😁 and we are here in the community to learn from each other.

For this question, though you said you are yet familar with the macro but I am afraid we have to go the macros, two macro. 😂
And it appears that your data is having also slight Schema Difference, so macro is also necessary.

And it will a good start you learn about the Batch Macro also.

Credits go to @mceleavey




Thanks for the reply! Ahh yes, I saw that the DMA and DMA Region columns differed on some the tabs, so I edited the excel files so that it is just DMA on all of them.

Even doing that you are saying I need to learn what/how to use macros?

I tried to run the workflow you attached but I have no clue what to do with this error saying something about workflow dependencies, I've never had this issue when downloading a sample workflow.  What do I have to do to make this run so that I can examine it to figure out how to do this? 



Can't Run.JPG

21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris

Change the path (Highlighted) of the folder where your Excel files are saved.

