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Dynamic Input Tool Error

5 - Atom



I have a dynamic input tool set up to run some preSQL processing. I have the correct server and everything in the "Edit" box for the input data source template configuration. When I run, I get the following error: 


[Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]Named Pipes Provider: Could not open a connection to SQL Server [53]. [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI11" for linked server "dummy server" returned message "Login timeout expired".


I'm calling that dummy server just to keep it undisclosed. 


The issue is, "dummy server" is not referenced anywhere in the tool or workflow and is not the same server I established in the input data source template so I have no clue how or why Alteryx is even referencing that server. Does anyone have any thoughts?



18 - Pollux

hard to tell without looking at your dynamic input config. are you using a named database source? is the server specified in your odbc driver set up?

15 - Aurora

@avoncuster23 please add some screen shots of configuration and error message.

5 - Atom



config ss.PNG

error ss.PNG


The server "A" <> "B". I don't know why the process is trying to connect to server "B".


18 - Pollux

This server says your named server is linked to the other server via a SQL Server linked server ( if that's not the case - talk to your DB Admin. My hunch is this may not be an Alteryx thing.
