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Dynamic Input / Timed-out Error

6 - Meteoroid

Hi There!


I am currently doing a workflow off of the directory tool and then using the dynamic input tool to grab a cell from each excel (there are ~38 excels it's grabbing). It works if I do a sample of 3 or less but if I try to do more I get this error when it comes to the dynamic input (I have removed the file path/name out of the error for security reasons but that is what is normally in brackets below):


"Error: Dynamic Input (9): Unable to open file for read: [FILE PATH/NAME].xlsx - Error on read: The cloud operation was not completed before the time-out period expired. (426)"


I am connected to my network so I'm not sure what else could be causing the operation to 'time-out'. I have attached a screenshot of my workflow if that is helpful. 



17 - Castor
17 - Castor

@laurenali could be due to the files being so large by the time they are opened the cloud has timed out. You could try using a batch macro instead see if that works?

6 - Meteoroid

Could you maybe send over an example of a batch macro? I think that'll fix it. Thanks!

13 - Pulsar
13 - Pulsar

Hi @laurenali !


Essentially, you want to feed the files one-at-a-time to the Dynamic Input tool to prevent the timeout issue. If you upload your workflow, I'm sure we can help you configure it. 


Here are some general resources for batch macros:


You can also try the CReW WildcardXLS Input macro, which may work for you if you modify the macro to input just cell you need. It's also a great example of a batch macro.

Download here:







