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Dynamic Input - Sheet not specified

9 - Comet



I am trying to update a workflow to create a new report type. I am using dynamic input tool and have specified a sheet but, I am getting an error when running the workflow. I have posted a screenshot below (I edited out any sensitive information like the user on the file pathway and the data in the screenshot, hence why it is blank).



13 - Pulsar

After the .xlsx you'll need to include the |||<Sheet Name Here>.  You can fix it by adding a formula tool before it with [FullPath]+"|||`<Sheet Name Here>`". 

9 - Comet

Hi @cjaneczko,


I do not need the file path in a formula as it is already present in the data beforehand. Also, I have already tried the triple pipe "|||" after the file extension to specify a sheet. Doing that only updates this: 

Screenshot 2023-06-29 102632.png


After which, refreshing the configuration window or running the workflow removes the "|||".

13 - Pulsar

Have a look at this thread where other users had the same issue. A formula tool prior to the dynamic input should resolve this error.

20 - Arcturus

@CSmith16 Can you share your dynamic input tool configuration?

12 - Quasar

Hello, @CSmith16.


Does the attached yxzp help?


It's an example I made to read in data and load it into a Dynamic Input tool.


If you want to run the workflow, you may also want to download the extra Excel file I attached.

9 - Comet



You mean like this? (I've obscured the data in the preview window) 


Screenshot 2023-06-29 120018.png

9 - Comet

Hi @acarter881,


The workflow works isolated on its own. I have swapped the files on your provided workflow to the ones I would need in my workflow. I am going to test this out on the actual workflow after lunch and will let you know. Thanks for your help man.

9 - Comet



I can only get it to work in that isolated workflow. In my org's workflow, it is not working still. I have reached out to our contact at Alteryx and have some time scheduled with them next week. I have tried every solution available, but because of what the workflow is and what we need out of it, I can't use the Directory tool, nor can I use a specific file path and add "|||<Sheet>" in a formula tool. 

20 - Arcturus

@CSmith16  I mean the below con figuration

Screenshot 2023-06-30 045650.png
