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Dynamic Filter Macro


Hello Alteryx Community


I am attempting to create a dynamic filter in which the user is able to first select the field by which they would like to filter and then chose from the values of that field to apply to the filter. So the second drop down should dynamically change depending on the field chosen in the first drop down. The attached workflow uses the Superstore data as an example. Please help! Thank you.


Christopher Waspe

20 - Arcturus
20 - Arcturus

@Chris_Waspe ,


if if this is truly dynamic, the macro would know the field domain values for the filter. I am assuming that based upon a static set of field values that you would choose from a static set of domain values. 


Instead of drop downs, please investigate the use of a tree to select your filter components and use an action to convert the selection into an IN clause. 






Ps  here's a sample macro:!app/Contains-In-List/5a5903fda18e9e2508e5ae0d

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ACE Emeritus
ACE Emeritus

Hi @Chris_Waspe,


It's a pretty challenging task and to my knowledge there is no possibility to refresh the app based on the first drop-down selection, for the 2nd drop-down to get dynamically populated in a cascading manner (possibly chained app, but i don't have much experience with this and in my opinion the UX experience of the end user is affected).


You could consider exposing all options pre-canned for the end user or concatenating field and values in key->value pair sorted strings and achieving it this way (this depends on how many value you expect and how readable this would be in your specific use case).


This is how far i got (this is not truly dynamic, but follows the selections systematically), hope this helps:







#Excuse me, do you speak Alteryx?

15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora

Hi @Chris_Waspe 

I've done something similar with chained apps. Here is a great learning video on the topic:

Basically, you create an app where you're choosing the first drop-down item. That app launches the next app, which has the subsequent drop down and the rest of the process. I'm attaching a very simple example where I've used checklists, but you can do the same with drop-downs.

A few things to keep in mind.

  1. The Output to yxdb that will be called on in the second app needs to have Name and Value columns
  2. The first app will call the second app on success. This is set up in the Interface window
  3. When you bring in the list for the drop-down in the second app. you'll be connecting to an EXTERNAL SOURCE (the yxdb from the first app) 

It's pretty easy to do.


Let me know if this helps




Thank you very much for the help. This definitely seems like the best solution and does what I need to do.