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Dynamic Date Comparisons (using Sales data)

8 - Asteroid

Hello Alteryx Community,


As a newbie to Alteryx, I'm seeking support (i.e. basic guidance) to create a module workflow that will allow me to apply any relevant 'sales' data set with dates to it with the ability to calculate 'dynamic date comparisons' in Tableau. At this time, the sales data set does not have an actual date/time relational table or existing expressions/formulas linked to it. It's the raw data set in SQL Server/Access/Excel. 


I have a solution to do it in Tableau, not Alteryx.



Compare sales of multiple dynamic date ranges (i.e. years, quarters, months, weeks, days)

- 2x date range comparison at a min; preferably more; data set agnostic (i.e. can apply any data set with proper sales and date attributes)


Thanks for your support in advance!

20 - Arcturus
20 - Arcturus



Since you are looking for heavy-handed direction, so maybe it cannot be perfectly answsered here.

If you have fund for this, maybe  you can reach to some one here, like @MarqueeCrew ?

8 - Asteroid

@Qiu thanks for the recommendation. I'll keep the question posted for a few to see if anyone can support, then seek alternative approach.


20 - Arcturus
20 - Arcturus


I can help a bit maybe.

But please provide a sample data as input and your desired output.😁

8 - Asteroid

@Qiu ...had some projects to work on. Now I'm back.


Just to confirm my challenge, I'm seeking a solution to perform dynamic date comparisons using sales data. Ideally, I'm trying to show date comparisons (i.e. option to select any of the following: year, quarter, month, week, day) on a single axis.


Input: Mexico sales (.csv)

Desired Output: Tableau Hyper Data Extract (*.hyper)


I appreciate the support in advance!



