Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Drill down capability from Summarization tool (Excel user working in Alteryx!)

6 - Meteoroid

Hi, all. I am looking for a way to drill down into data that I have grouped using the summarization tool. Essentially, I am trying to replicate the functionality in Excel where you can create pivot tables and then double click a summarized output to see a detailed drill-down on its own sheet in the workbook.


I am working with transaction data that I have successfully grouped by customer and date, and I have calculated the sum of transactions for each day. Now, I want to drill down into those numbers to see all of the transactions that make up that one day's total.


Is there a way to do this in Alteryx? Or would I be better just working in Excel with Pivot Tables?


Thank you!

21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris


It sounds you want a visualization tool more or less.

Alteryx is data processing, not that good at Drilling or visualiazation based on my little experience.

The interactive Chart might be a bit help but not that much I believe.

So maybe Excel is a better option here afterall, though you might want to process the data then output to Excel at its final format.

6 - Meteoroid

Very insightful. Thank you!
