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Donwload Tool Failing on Scheduler

9 - Comet

Hi everyone,


We're completely stumped by a long term stable process that is quietly erroring, due to a download tool which was doing a put to an FTP location, but has recently started erroring on desktop scheduler, even though it runs fine manually. 


Process Summary

The below process gets an assembled product feed formatted to be blob ready in pipe delimited form,

and then converts it to a blob,

so it can be put on an FTP location via the download tool.

There's also a parallel local file export of the same data to act as a canary.



Process runs fine manually. The file date on the FTP shows as updated, and the tool reports "Records transferred: 1; active connections: 1; average records per minute: 9" in the logs.

It also runs in the alteryx desktop scheduler, however while the local file exports, the download tool doesn't export anything and reports "Records transferred: 0; active connections: 0; average records per minute: 0" in the logs. No indication of any other errors.




Nothing has changed in the process or on the FTP, other than we think Alteryx was upgraded to 2022.3.1.430 about the same time the problem started but we dont know if thats connected.


Tried restartign services, rebooting. and we've also tried running it on widows task sheduler without success, but we can see the lcoal file is still exporting. Its just the download tool that is failing.


Can anyone help steer us?


Gratefully, w

6 - Meteoroid

Solve by removing AMP setting.  Re-open workflow and change runtime w/o AMP engine enabled and re-publish. 

5 - Atom

Had this same issue today. Would be great to see this resolved from Alteryx.

