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Designer | Run Correlation Analysis at Store Level

5 - Atom

I am trying to do a correlation analysis on Net Sales(highlighted in yellow) and Other Columns(highlighted in Green) at Store-Period level - see data sample. There are thousands of stores for which this correlation analysis should run.


I am using the Association Analysis tool, I am running into three blocks.


1. How to run this for each store-period iteratively and and save a summary report of correlated attributes by store to do further analysis?

2. Association Analysis generates this error. What does this mean and how to resolve it. 

    Error: Association Analysis (94): Tool #9: Error in seriate.dist(as.dist(dcor)) :

    Error: Association Analysis (94): Tool #9: Execution halted

3. The R anchor of Association Analysis generates a report. How to grab that information in tabular format for further analysis?


If there is a better way/alternate tools to perform correlation analysis in Alteryx. Please advise.

14 - Magnetar

@bornita check this workflow - used the correlation tool instead of association analysis tool - and had to use a macro to update it per store


Let me know if it helps

5 - Atom

I need to modify the macro to work with store levels that are strings instead of integers. How can I do that with the same logic as before?
