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Delta/difference on the basis of dates

7 - Meteor

How to make dynamic workflow to find unmatched records of some columns on the basis of consecutive dates. 


In the below screenshot 
For UserID A Delta is 1 as all column value for UserID A on date 02/02/2023 is not matching with previous 02/01/2023 date 
but Delta is 0 as all column value for User ID A on 2/3/2023 is matching with previous 02/02/2023 date 

Note: Not all dates are in sequence

Kindly Help me in this



17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Not sure I follow your logic - it looks like you want the "Delta" to change to 1 every time a new date comes up, and then back to 0 for that date... however, for 2/2 it stays as 1 for some of the values. What is the logic there?

7 - Meteor

Please ignore 2/2 and consider highlighted that is userID A, yes I want to find Delta(compare two consecutive dates and if there is a change/missing then Delta is 1)

7 - Meteor

Please ignore 2/2 and consider highlighted that is userID A, yes I want to evaluate Delta(compare two consecutive dates and if there is a change/missing then Delta is 1)

17 - Castor
17 - Castor


7 - Meteor

I think you have just compared the dates not the values of the column!!

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Yes, because that's what you said - "(compare two consecutive dates and if there is a change/missing then Delta is 1)". So I am still not clear on your logic - you can either make it more clear or use the workflow already built to update yourself!

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Update: I re-interpreted your logic to look at the Score Card field. In future posts, I would make clear what columns need to be a part of the logic to get the quickest and most accurate help
