Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Deleting a Specific column with 'null' values

8 - Asteroid

Hello everyone!  I have a workflow with two separate calculations.  Based on inputs from the user the workflow either goes through 1 calculation or the other.  I then union them together at the end.  All of the columns are the same for each path/calculation except for one.  For instance, if one calculation path is taken the last column will be 'Calculation 1' while the other one will say 'Calculation 2'.  Therefore when I union the data, both columns are included even though one column may be completely null.  Is there a way to remove one specific column of all of the values contained are null?  I tried using a Data Cleansing Tool, but due to the calculations being performed there are some 'null' columns I need to include.  The Data Cleansing Tool removes all null columns, when I only want it to remove a specific null column

12 - Quasar

Can you use the filter tool to remove the specific null column?

17 - Castor

Hi @lindsayhupp 


One approach would be to use an autofield tool (this assigns null columns as Booleans). Then you could use a Dynamic Select Tool to drop out specific columns based on their name and data type. i.e. not columns of specific names that are also booleans.

17 - Castor

@lindsayhupp my first thought here was just to stick with the Data Cleanse tool. When you mention that you only want this to apply to certain fields and it's currently removing all, is this because you have all of the fields ticked here, rather than only the couple you want to treat this way?



8 - Asteroid

Yes, I ticked only the columns I wanted it to look at, but it still removes all null columns. 

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

@lindsayhupp The Remove Null Data option in the Data Cleansing tool acts independently of the "Select Fields to Cleanse". Maybe I'm missing something but why not bring in a Select tool and deselect those columns that you want removed?

17 - Castor

Hi @lindsayhupp 


Here's an example of what I described previously. Both inputs contain a field column and 2 calculation columns. The dynamic select removes the calculation column that is null.




