I need change the display of numbers to keep 2 decimals. The select tools seems only working for those number which has more than 1 decimal. e.g. 1.345 can be changed to 1.3 but 0 can not be changed to 0.00. Can I do this in Alteryx like I do in excel by changing the format?
Current Value | Expect Value | Alteryx Value |
0 | 0.00 | 0 |
1.2 | 1.20 | 1.2 |
2.334 | 2.33 | 2.33 |
1 | 1.00 | 1 |
@binuacs , actually if you look at my attached sample, you can see I did the same like you did but Alteryx did not return the expected results. Is this because I used an old version of Alteryx?
Hi @zqlcancer
I could see the correct result when the same attached workflow by your's run in my system.
We are not sure what output you are seeing at your end.
If you are able to attach any screenshot of result you see will be easy to investigate further.
Many thanks
Shanker V
use select tool and set data type to fixed decimal and set 19.2
this suits best ib this case
@binuacs is correct.
BUT >>> USE the Multi Field Tool to convert the field to a fixed decimal.
>>> To keep two decimal places change the default size from 19.6 to 19.2.
19.6 will generate 6 decimal places. 20 will become 20.000000
>>>19.2 will generate 2 decimal places. 20 will become 20.00
Technically 19.2 means 19 digits with 6 after the decimal