I am trying to get an output of dd-mm-yyyy hhmm as part of filename and the hours and minutes keep coming up 0000. I am using this formula:
"Ouput "+DateTimeFormat(DateTimeToday(),"%d-%m-%Y %H%M")+".xlsx|Sheet1". Everything except the time appears correctly.
I obviously have one little thing wrong somewhere, probably with syntax. I am a newbie, trying to master this awesome app.
Solved! Go to Solution.
Hey @ppatane, DateTimeToday() will default to midnight as it's only 'today' - if you want a more exact timestamp where you get the hours and minutes etc then you can use DateTimeNow() like so:
"Ouput "+DateTimeFormat(DateTimeNow(),"%d-%m-%Y %H%M")+".xlsx|Sheet1"
Perfect! Little more than just syntax...the correct formula needed. Grazie!