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Date Format issue while using .csv or .excel as output

8 - Asteroid

Hi everyone,


I am facing a weird issue in which the string column are getting converted to dates when I take the output in .csv or .xlsx.


Ex: The column has value 01/23 and it should be exactly the same in the excel output, however, excel is automatically converting 01/23 to 01/01/2023. Now for values after 12/2023, like 13/2023 or 48/2023 it is keeping the data as it is.


I have tried using V_String, V_String: Forced and VW_String but nothing works. Attached are the screenshots.





17 - Castor

I did a quick test and can't seem to reproduce this. Are you outputting to a new excel or an existing template? 

8 - Asteroid

I am outputting to an already existing excel by overwriting it. I tried copying data from browse tool and paste them in a blank excel. It returned the same value

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

@Deba93 , I'm unable to recreate this issue. When I test this in version 22.1 inputting values through a "Text Input" tool and output it to an .xlsx file, I get no change in format. The data type is "V_String".


What is your incoming data source (.xlsx, .csv. etc.)? What is the cell format in your output Excel (General, Date, Number, etc.)?


My input in the Text Input tool:



My output in the .xlsx document:



18 - Pollux

are you outputting to range and preserving the formatting? if so - the underlying excel cells are formatted as date. your string is being converted to date by excel because the source formatting is a date. you can fix this by not preserving the original formatting in your output range in and unchecking that box in the output tool.
