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Database upload suddenly taking hours instead of minutes, any ideas why?

12 - Quasar

I'm attempting to drop and replace a table on our SQL Server database. I've done this before, but today it's taking hours instead of its normal 5-10 minutes. The data set is about 2GB in size. I'm receiving these errors, which I've never seen before. The only difference is I've changed a field data type from V_WString to a 64 character String.


Output Data (2)    File Format does not match translated type.
Output Data (2)    Alias translated to odbc:DRIVER={SQL Server Native Client 11.0};DATABASE=TheDB;SERVER=OurServer;Trusted_Connection=yes|||TableName
Output Data (2)    ODBC Driver version: 03.80


Any ideas why I'm receiving these errors and/or why it's suddenly taking so much longer to upload? Are they related?

12 - Quasar

I'm using the SQL Server Bulk Loader. Is that what you're referring to? I believe I followed this video on how to do it.

5 - Atom

Thanks for sharing this Philip! This video helped me decrease my workflow runtime from 4 hours to 4 minutes!!
