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Database- How to know a column is Primary/Foreign Key & Index & Datatype

6 - Meteoroid



I have Oracle Database, it has multiple tables. One of the table consist Primary key  & Foreign Key & index column. 

How to find a column constraint in Alteryx Designer. 

I have tried below steps but only could able to see primary keys alone

1.Drag and Drop input tool

2.Select Data connections and under visual Query builder -> could able to view the primary column with key symbol-> How to figure out a column is indexed?



Oracle Table consist decimal/string/date time where as after connecting input tool it is visible as int64/string/ V string / Date time

Suppose, the same table migrated to AWS/Azure ; how to verify the column properties as it is changing in Alteryx  Designer?



17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @balachandra2164 ,


1. To my knowledge, the only key that will be denoted as such in Alteryx would be the primary key of the table. Identifying foreign keys is a case of knowing your data. Even if you did know the foreign keys you would need to know to which table they link.


2. You can determine data types when you output tfrom Alteryx, so regardless of the format in which they are loaded, you can transform all columns into the appropriate type before exporting. To this, you simply need a select tool to change the types, or a DateTime tool to convert dates etc. You can do this old school if you wish by creating the scripts in the output, but there's really no need.




6 - Meteoroid

Thank you for the reply 

1.Is it possible to find the which column is indexed?

2.Yes, Understood well. I would like to verify Post Data Base Migration . As part of that, I thought to verify the data types between on premise and cloud. As per my knowledge, data types will be different for both but when I use Alteryx Desinger it is automatically converted to Alteryx Data Types. Does that meant "verification consider is success irrespective of the data type"
