Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Data movement


Hello I'm AK form India and had question if anyone can help me to guide further - My question is I'm planning to move data form DB to Data Lake using Alteryx workflow . But struggling how should i move further and how to configure workflow to get updated data form DB to Data lake and in future if nay changes are done in data base then how workflow will manage to bring those changes to Data lake . Can someone can explain me how to perform entire process if steps are available probably it would be helpful for me to configure further . 


How to move data first time from selected date and what should be the process for further to pull updated data form DB to Data lake ?


Thanks Ak

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @indakath ,


This is really a connectivity question. This depends on the platform and format of your datalake. If you are using Azure Datalake, for example then you can use the Azure connector which will allow you to pull and post data to and from tables. If you have Snowflake, use the Snowflake connector.

If you have your own internal datalake, then your DB admins will provide connectivity, either via ODBC or API.

If you are using a simple ODBC connection to an in-house DB then you can simply set up the ODBC connection on your machine and use this in the input and output tools in Alteryx to connect to your database.





Hi @indakath - This is a very broad question that may go far beyond just Alteryx platform. I suggest you to speak with an Alteryx Solutions Engineer or Partner.


You may also benefit from reading use cases: 


Just search for "migration".


Many many Thanks for your suggestion its really helpful ..


hi @mceleavey, I want to seek for your expert advice here too - if I need to pick up a file that's not currently support with the Azure Data Lake Connector - can i try to establish the connection using this - "then your DB admins will provide connectivity, either via ODBC or API" and get the file / data from there?

I try to check online, but is there any way we can establish this ODBC driver for ADLS?

Thanks for the advices in advance.
