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Data comparison workflow - two sets of data from many sources

5 - Atom



I need a workflow to compare two sets of information. Each set of information sits on our sharedrive in ~25 files with varying formats. 


In a perfect world, I would be able to get a listing of all the files in our two folder locations, pick the ones that I want to compare, pick the tabs from each file I want to compare, and then compare the values in the two datasets against each other. 


I know this would be simple if the workbook structures were the same and the tab names were the same, but they are varying. Is there a macro I can use to help with the varying data structures and varying tab names I need to pull from all these workbooks? 


Thanks in advance!

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
16 - Nebula

Hi @DXCTech 


With the batch input macro (that @bensilv  shared) you will be able to import all files.


With Expect Equal macro you will be able to compare the two different sets of data.


You can download and install it from here:




