Hi All,
Please suggest me a solution for the following:
I have an assignment where I have to take various excel files with different column and data types and I want to do the validation on all files. Once the assignment is completed after running I want to select a particular folder where it is residing and after that I want to choose particular output path so that I can choose a folder not a files and the output should be stored in new excel files not to the existing excel file.
If I understand correctly, you have a couple of steps to take.
1. Read data from multiple files with different schemas. You will need a macro for this, unless you have very files and manually configure each one (I assume not). Here is a solution that should work: https://community.alteryx.com/t5/Alteryx-Designer-Knowledge-Base/CS-Macro-Dev-Reading-in-Multiple-Fi...
2. Once the data has been validated, you then need to provide a custom filename/path when generating the output. I have provided a mockup that I think you can customize for the purpose
I hope you can work out a solution based of this