I am trying to load 100K data to a temporary table and join it with Snowflake tables.
After around 15-16hours of running, the workflow fails in Data Stream Out tool with error message:
"Tool #5: Error SQLPrepare: Authentication token has expired. The user must authenticate again."
We already reached out with Snowflake support, and it doesn't look like a Snowflake session issue. Is there any setting in Alteryx that might be limiting my session with Snowflake?
This workflow runs successfully when I tried 10,000 rows of data.
Are you setup to bulk load?
My take here is that you are authenticating to Snowflake via SAML or username password - and the expiration setting your team set with Snowflake is shorter than your workflow run time. It is common/normal makes sense to have your token expire in less than 15 hours so the question is:
why is your workflow taking that long to run?
I write data to snowflake all of the time - and this is pretty exterme. If you are running 100K temporary table as a join vs a huge table - and then doing additional downstream work - and overloading your snowflake - you can swap to a dynamic where clause and dynamic input in-db.
I would also recommend maximizing your ram (turn off amp/close large processes) if you are bringing large amounts of data onto canvas. 100K records should not be large so my hunch is something is off on one of your joins in snowflake, something is off on your driver or you are running too small a snowflake warehouse. Can you confirm the first inner join (snowflake only) finishes fairly fast (sub 5-10 minutes)?