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Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Data Lineage

5 - Atom
Is there a quick way to trace the origins of a field from the end of an Alteryx transformation process?  If I am running some transformations and analysis on a set of tables and returning one table as a result, could I pick a field in the end table and quickly trace which data source this field came from or was computed from?

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi Lev,

There are a few options here. The first is to use to use the Output File Name as Field option within your Input Tool.  


rtaImage (9).png 

This will create a new field in your data that allows you to trace where each record comes from.

The next option is to use the Field Info Tool.  This tool allows you to see the source of each field within your data.


rtaImage (10).png

At this point, the only decision you have to make is whether or not you are looking for the source at the record level or at the field level.


- Chad
Follow me on Twitter! @AlteryxChad 
