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DATETIMEADD function returning the same value for all epoch inputs

7 - Meteor

Hi everyone! New to alteryx, running my first set of workflows. I'm trying to input a set of epoch values to convert to a regular timestamp but the results are the same regardless of the input? Attaching screen grabsworkflow for  datetimeaddworkflow for datetimeaddOutputOutput here

12 - Quasar



Does Time_Output have the correct data type (String Size 19)?

11 - Bolide

@shivraj_r could you please take a screenshot of your full formula?


Are you using 'second' as third parameter of the datetimeadd function?


Are you sure you are using the correct field time in second/100 and not the old one?


I have tried it and it works for me.


See picture attached

7 - Meteor

@mborriero - Attaching screen shot of my formula here - The interesting thing is that it works as as standalone offline solution (attached solution) but it doesn't work when I try to pull data from a database. And if you notice even the output from the function does not give me the correct response. formulaformulaworkflowworkflowofflineworkflow_sampleofflineworkflow_sample

11 - Bolide

Could you please try to rename your last time_in_seconds with another name and use it in the DATETIMEADD formula?

It is just a test, it seems a strage case

7 - Meteor

It was a strange error indeed! I just deleted the nodes and added them back with the variables!  Attaching screen grab - seems to work now!Capture 3.PNG
