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Cross Tab


Hi, I have been trying to cross tab the data, as you can see after json parse I have all the data in one column. What I want to do is put the headers in each columns and rest of the data associated to rows under each of the header columns, If any guidance or any input will be appreciated for me to get the result segregated. I know its too basics but I am very new to alteryx. Really appreciate your input and thanks in advance. 


Thank you


Without an example data set to try against, I'd suggest splitting the headers into one stream and the rows into another using the Filter Tool, then do the cross tab using JSON_Name as the New Column Headers and the JSON_ValueString as the Values for New Columns, grouping by JOSN_Name2, then using the Dynamic Rename Tool to reassign column headers.


I have attached the workflow, I have tried using it with best of my knowledge of alteryx i am doing some mistakes.  I have attached the wrokflow 



Oops! Saw the .png, but missed the .yxmd


I'm using an older version of Alteryx, so can't open.

20 - Arcturus
20 - Arcturus

Try this workflow to solve the problem please.




Alteryx ACE & Top Community Contributor

Chaos reigns within. Repent, reflect and restart. Order shall return.
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I would Appreciate if you can explain me a bit. This helps me Its just want to use this and alter it against my workflow. Just a bit of explanation would be helpful. 

Thank you really appreciate

20 - Arcturus
20 - Arcturus



The input data contains HEADERS and ROWS for data.  I noticed that JSON_Name3 (which I mistakenly called Jason_Name3) for the rows could be used to find the correct header.  So that 0 in Name3 pointed me to "NAME" in the header data where 0 is the value for Name2.  So I used a filter to bring the row data to the upper anchor and keep the header records on the bottom.


Next I used a FIND & REPLACE to lookup the Name3 data (rows) in the Name2 data (header) and replace Name3 with the JSON_ValueString which could be used in the downstream field names.


Lastly I used a Cross Tab tool to group by the ROWS JSON_Name2 field (that would be the recordID) and use the Name3 data as the Header and the ValueString data as the "Value".


As long as I came up with the right answer, it was worth the documentation.  If wrong, I would have looked for a Plan B.




Alteryx ACE & Top Community Contributor

Chaos reigns within. Repent, reflect and restart. Order shall return.
Please Subscribe to my youTube channel.

Thank you, Let me use this for my workflow and I will come back to you. Thank you

