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Cross Tab - dynamic input for "Values for New Columns"

7 - Meteor

I want the "Values for New Columns" field in the Cross Tab tool to change depending on a certain input; essentially it would be ideal to put a formula in there (e.g. Values for New Columns = [Issue Age]) . I don't think anything like this is possible, so I'm wondering if there's a workaround. 


I attached an example. In the Text Input tool you'll see a column for Issue Age where each row equals 60. Then, in the cross tab tool, I want to transform the column equal to 60 because it is the issue age. In my example, I manually set "Values for New Columns" to 60. If the issue age were to change, is there some way to change "Values for New Columns" to be equal to the issue age without doing it manually? 

20 - Arcturus
20 - Arcturus


Maybe dynamic Select?



7 - Meteor

How could I use this tool without manually inputting '60' though? And automatically setting it to the issue age column?

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

If you pivot your data so your data is in a name-value format, you can use the issue age as a dynamic filter. I used a transpose to pivot my data, then used a filter to identify any row where Name = Issue Age. This would identify any value that was originally associated with the corresponding age column. I then used a cross-tab to pivot my data back.





7 - Meteor

This worked! Thank so much.
