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Criteria Based on Seperate Dataset

5 - Atom

I'm trying to add a column to a dataset based on criteria referencing another dataset. Essentially I have a master list of items, and I want to add a column flagging the item if it exists in another dataset (multi-row formula?). I'm not quite sure how to do this so any help would be appreciated.

13 - Pulsar

I'd use a Join to determine this.  Something like:


On the output side of the Join tool, the "J" stream is everything that was found in both datasets, so I add a Formula tool to flag these and them Union them back to the rest of the data.  Give the attached a try, it should be what you need.  Note that if you have duplicates in Dataset 2, this will multiply out your records.  To avoid this you can add a Unique tool just before the Join with the fields you're joining on selected as being Unique.

5 - Atom

That worked great, thank you.
