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Creating a Dynamic number of Duplicate Columns

6 - Meteoroid

Hey guys,


Currently having a brain freeze. I think that there is a way to solve this issue with crosstab/transpose, but I haven't quite figured it out yet.


I have this file where it has a dynamic number of "sets" of data. I want to move the duplicates to new columns, rather than having them all stacked as one row. See the screenshot below: 


Input : As you can see, the rowID's change after every "section" (group of 4). There is a dynamic amount of RowID's, but the type and amounts are all the same. I'm struggling to get a workflow that would create a dynamic amount of new duplicate columns rather than stacked rows.

I have the input file attached below.


Output: This is the desired output.



Thanks in advance for the help!


12 - Quasar

@GreenApple24  - try this.  I ignored the RowID in the desired output only because it doesnt make sense that 1 would be aligned with what was formerly 2,3,4 row IDs.



6 - Meteoroid

This is exactly what I was looking for. Thank you so much for the fast and simple response!

12 - Quasar

@GreenApple24  - my pleasure.  that is what this community is for.  
