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Creating Alteryx Workflow Status Page - Need ideas / best practices

8 - Asteroid

In my group, we have various workflows running to maintain report and dashboards at different frequencies.  I had the idea to create a system status page where everyone who creates a production workflow would append this workflow container at the end of their workflow with some general information like:


  • Alteryx server link
  • Tableau dashboard link (if used to push data to tableau report)
  • Frequency of schedule (daily, weekly, monthly)
  • If monthly, day of month is should be refreshed
  • Primary contact, secondary contact name and emails
  • Friendly Name

From there I planned to take all of this and develop some logic to tract up-time, cadence, auto-email about failed workflows and have a tableau dashboard where anyone in our group can go and check the health of a report/dashboard they are using.


Similar to this:


I've attached the template I'm building, but my question is how would you go about this?   One thing I need as a standard response is the schedule (daily, weekly, monthly) and date of monthly refresh (1,2,3, etc).  Would a macro work for this?  Do those work on Alteryx server?   Would you approach this the same way or have any other ideas on how to achieve this?





15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora

hey @BigDataGeek 

Seems an interesting use-case. I would definitely recommend a macro for this.

As an interesting idea - you can actually edit the 'starting workflow', the first workflow that opens when you open Alteryx. 
You may want to edit that workflow, to include your macro, so by default people are using your macro, rather than having to remember to add it on.


I would suggest taking a look at a few things:
the identify tools and macros within a workflow, workflow:


And the server usage report, which you may be able to backwards engineer and steal some logic from:

Hope this helps!

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